

鱼我所欲也 时间:2021-08-31 手机版




  Personal information


  Gender: male

  Ethnic composition: the han nationality

  Age: 30

  Marital status: married

  Name: mechanical design and manufacturing and automation

  Major: mechanical manufacturing class

  Political landscape: the masses

  Graduated from colleges: college of longyan

  Graduation time: in July 2010

  Highest degree: bachelor

  Computer level: master

  Working experience: above five years

  Height: 0 cm

  Weight: 0 kg

  Now home: xinluo district

  Registration: changding


  Hope is engaged in the occupation: mechanical designer (technician)

  Expected salary: 4000-5000

  Expect work areas: xinluo district

  Expect nature of work: full-time

  Fastest arrive time: one month

  Must provide housing: no need


  Education background:

  School name: longyan institute (January 2012 - July 2014)

  Name: mechanical design and manufacturing and automation degree: bachelor

  Professional description: participate in longyan college undergraduate study is a job while studying, mainly study some relative to the specialized subject is relatively high theoretical knowledge, because of some practical design experience, etc all can go to get out of work.

  School name: minxi vocational and technical college (September 2007 - July 2010)

  Name: professional mold design and manufacturing degree: college degree

  Professional description: the main study direction is mould design and manufacture, the specialized subject of study mainly qualification and skill, not only achieved a diploma in school, also earning some related certificates such as electrician certificate, locksmith certificate, welder certificate, CAD intermediate and so on a series of relevant certificates.

  Trained experience:

  Work experience

  Company name: longyan city huang hq machinery co., LTD. (April 2011 - March 2017)

  Industry: machinery manufacturing, mechanical and electrical, heavy industry company properties:

  Job title: designer

  Job description: mainly engaged in machinery and equipment development and design work and so on, the products of the company for more research and development products.

  Company name: longyan city jia xin machinery co., LTD. (March 2010 - April 2011)

  Industry: machinery manufacturing, mechanical and electrical, heavy industry company properties:

  Company size: 50-200 people working location:

  Job title: technician

  Job description: mainly engaged in the development of the auto alternator and surveying and mapping work

  Self assessment

  Self assessment: I graduated in 2010 from minxi vocational and technical college. More than five years since I worked five years in the mechanical design aspects of the work, familiar with CAD drawing software, proe 3 d software. I think as a technician or even took part in the work requires continuous learning progress, so work and study, which made the longyan college undergraduate course diploma and also review the assistant engineer titles. I think I was a more planning, the school is planned out their own career development direction and to get the qualification certificates of mechanical professional of such as electrician certificate locksmith certificate and so on. I attend to oneself is engaged in the machinery industry has a more profound understanding, have more specific about their career planning, such as the next review of mechanical engineers, accumulate more knowledge and experience, and so on.

  Language ability

  Language name master degree

  Good English

  Good mandarin




  性别: 男

  民族: 汉族

  年龄: 30

  婚姻状况: 已婚

  专业名称: 机械设计制造及其自动化

  主修专业: 机械制造类

  政治面貌: 群众

  毕业院校: 龙岩学院

  毕业时间: 2010年7月

  最高学历: 本科

  电脑水平: 精通

  工作经验: 五年以上

  身高: 0cm


  现所在地: 新罗区

  户籍: 长汀县


  期望从事职业: 机械设计员(技术员)

  期望薪水: 4000-5000

  期望工作地区: 新罗区

  期望工作性质: 全职

  最快到岗时间: 1个月内

  需提供住房: 不需要



  学校名称: 龙岩学院(2012年1月-2014年7月)

  专业名称: 机械设计制造及自动化 学历: 本科

  专业描述: 参加龙岩学院的本科学习是一边参加工作一边学习,主要是学习一些相对于专科来讲较为高的理论知识,因为一些实际设计经验等都可以从工作当中去获取。

  学校名称: 闽西职业技术学院(2007年9月-2010年7月)

  专业名称: 模具设计与制造 学历: 大专

  专业描述: 主要的学习方向是模具设计与制造,专科的学习主要是学历加技能,在学校不单取得了毕业证书,也考取了一些相关的证书比如说电工证、钳工证、焊工证、CAD中级等等一系列的相关证书。



  公司名称: 龙岩市黄河清机械有限公司(2011年4月-2017年3月)

  所属行业: 机械制造·机电·重工 公司性质:

  职位名称: 设计员

  工作描述: 主要从事机械设备的`开发设计等工作,公司生产的产品多为研发型产品。

  公司名称: 龙岩市佳鑫机械有限公司(2010年3月-2011年4月)

  所属行业: 机械制造·机电·重工 公司性质:

  公司规模: 50~200人 工作地点:

  职位名称: 技术员

  工作描述: 主要从事汽车交流发电机的开发及测绘工作


  自我评价: 我于2010年毕业于闽西职业技术学院。参加工作至今五年多,五年均从事机械设计方面的工作,熟练使用CAD制图软件,proe三维软件。我认为作为一名技术员即使是参加了工作还是需要不断的学习获得进步,所以一边工作一边学习,从而取得了龙岩学院的本科文凭并且还评了助理工程师职称。我认为自己还是一个比较有规划的人,在学校学习就规划好了自己的职业发展方向从而去考取机械专业方面的相关资格证书比如电工证钳工证之类的。参加工作使我对自己从事的机械行业又有了更深刻的认识,对自己的职业生涯有更具体的规划,比如说接下来评机械工程师,积累更多的知识及工作经验等等。


  语种名称 掌握程度

  英语 良好

  普通话 良好



2.英文简历模板 机械设计与制造






