宿舍(Mr P,A同学,乡下仔。Mr P的桌子上放着一个电脑纸箱)
Mr P和乡下仔进来,乡下仔拿着大包小包。同学在桌子上吃面。
Mr P:那是。
Mr P:你没看它还没开封嘛,是处女……等我晚上再收拾它
Mr P看了看A同学和他这位上的电脑,然后放了个很响的屁,A同学边吃面,边深深地吸了口气。
Mr P又放了个轻飘飘地屁,A同学边深深地吸了口气,然后跑了出去。
Mr P:这次是臭鸡蛋。
Mr P和乡下仔坐到A同学的电脑前。
Mr P(想也不想):皮鞋。
乡下仔(指着桌面上的3D MAX图标):这个呢?
Mr P:这个就是“三弟马”,就是你家的三弟养的那头马。
Mr P:死后都上网的东西多着呢。
Mr P:你还好说,你们家里人都怀疑是我偷了,现在三弟马就在你面前,那个鞍肯定还在马身上,它是带着鞍一起走的。
Mr P打开3D MAX,出现一个卡通马背着马鞍的模型。
Mr P:我跟你说啊,乡下仔,电脑最神的,是它可以和人沟通交流。
Mr P:看着。
Mr P憋了憋喉咙,对着电脑主板吐了一口痰,电脑桌面上立刻出现“电脑发现新硬件”的`提示。
Mr P:你看,反应多快。
Mr P:现在的电脑质量好,都不需要怎么修,除了陈冠希的。
Mr P:能,电脑喜欢着呢。
Mr P和乡下仔就轮流对着主板吐痰,电脑不停弹出“电脑发现新硬件”。
Mr P:我说兄弟,你是个乡下仔,好不容易进城一趟,哥就让你见识一下什么叫高科技。
Mr P站起来,解开裤子,对着电脑主机撒尿。电脑桌面上弹出“正在复制”的窗口,并显示进度。Mr P一尿完,显示“完成”提示。乡下仔很兴奋。
Mr P:它在喝呢。说来也口渴了,兄弟,去买点水喝。(Mr P和乡下仔离开宿舍)
A同学回到宿舍,看见自己的电脑主机泡在尿里,电脑桌面上的杀毒软件显示查杀到大量病毒。A同学走到Mr P的桌子,打开电脑纸箱,发现里面放着个马鞍。
Dormitory (Mr P, A classmate, country boy. There is a computer box on Mr P's desk.
Mr P and the country boy came in and the country boy was carrying a parcel. Students eat noodles on the table.
A classmate: brother, you finally bought A computer?
Country boy: my mother, P brother, buy a computer? ...... It's shiny... They're all aristocrats.
Mr P: yes.
Country boy: too handsome, can you lend me a play?
Mr P: you didn't see it opened. It was a virgin... Wait until I //pic.ruiwen.com/puter, then plays A loud fart. A classmate eats noodles and takes A deep breath.
A: the taste of eggs.
Mr P put on A gentle wind, A classmate took A deep breath and ran out.
Mr P: it's rotten eggs.
Mr P and the country boy sit in front of A classmate's computer.
Country boy (pointing to the photoshop icon on the desktop) : what's this?
Mr P (not wanting) : leather shoes.
Country boy (pointing to the 3D MAX icon on the desktop) : this one?
Mr P: this is the "third brother horse", the third brother of your family.
Country boy: oh my mother, my three younger brother just died a week, didn't expect to see here.
Mr P: there are so many things on the Internet after death.
Country boy: at that time the saddle was stolen.
Mr P: well, you know, your family suspects that I stole it, and now my three brothers and horses are in front of you, and that saddle must still be on the horse, it's walking along with the saddle.
Mr P opens 3D MAX with a model of a cartoon horse backed by a saddle.
Country boy: I say that P elder brother is down-to-earth person, this computer is true god.
Mr P: I tell you, country boy, the computer's most god, is that it can communicate with people.
Country boy: how to communicate?
Mr P: look.
Mr P suppressed his throat and spat on the computer motherboard, prompting a computer to find new hardware.
Mr P: you see, how fast.
Country boy: is this not bad?
Mr P: the computer is of good quality and there is no need to repair it, except for Chen's.
Country boy: oh my mother, it's too good, can I communicate?
Mr P: yes, the computer likes it.
Mr P and the rural boy take turns spitting on the main board, and the computer keeps popping up "the computer finds new hardware".
Mr P: I say brother, you are a country boy, you are not easy to come to town, I will let you see what technology is.
Mr P got up, untied his trousers and urinated on the computer host. A "copy" window pops up on the desktop and shows the progress. Mr P is finished, showing the "finish" prompt. The country boy is very excited.
Country boy: what is it?
Mr P: it's drinking. Thirsty, brother, buy some water. (Mr P and country boy leave the dormitory)
A classmate went back to the dormitory, saw his computer machine in the urine, computer desktop antivirus software display to kill A large number of viruses. A classmate went to Mr P's table and opened the carton. He found A saddle in it.