合:Good evening, boys and girls,dear teachers! Welcome to our Christmas party!
孔: First,welcome our principal, Mr Chen. 周:欢迎陈日伟校长。 孔:Mr Kong.
周:欢迎孔新伟校长。 孔:Miss Chen.
周:欢迎陈月莲校长。 孔:Mr Hu.
周:欢迎胡华德校长。 合:Welcome to our party!
孔:With the snow is falling from the sky,
With the Christmas songs around our ears 周:随着雪花从天上飘下,圣诞颂歌在我们耳旁萦绕。 合:Let's shout:“MerryChristmas!” 让我们大声喊出:“MerryChristmas!” 孔:Haochuan,at this special time, I can't be more happy. How about you?
周: Of course, me too.
孔: So why are we still waiting? Let's enjoy exciting dancing!!! 周:请欣赏
(节目一)拉丁舞: Latin girls
孔:A little you ,a little me, a little love, 周:请欣赏歌曲《A little love》,掌声欢迎!
(节目二)歌舞:A little love
周:There are four seasons in a year. Let’s enjoy the
beautiful seasons.
孔:请欣赏英文小诗朗诵《Seasons》。 (节目三)诗朗诵:Seasons 孔:Do you like rabbits?
周:Yes, I do. Look, they are coming! 孔:瞧,可爱的小兔子来了!
(节目四)情景剧:The rabbit and two carrots 孔: Do, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Let’s enjoy《Do re mi》
周:请欣赏音乐之声主题曲《Do re mi》 (节目五)小合唱:Do re mi
孔:Now, let’s play a game. Look, who’s coming? (圣诞老人上场)第一轮抽奖猜谜语
孔:We all can sing ABC song. Today, let’s enjoy the song from the children ofgrade3.
周:请欣赏三年级同学给我们带来的字母韵律操: Phonics exercises
(节目六)字母韵律操: Phonics exercises 孔: 周:
(节目七)歌曲:You’re my sunshine. 孔: 周:
(节目八)诗朗诵:再别康桥Goodbye Again, Cambridge! 周:
(节目九)小组唱:Everybody hurts 孔: 周:
(节目十)乐天动感音标操:Hip-hop 孔:
周:Now !Father Christmas time! Where are youFather Christmas?
(圣诞老人上场)第二轮抽奖猜谜语 周: 孔:
(节目十一)歌曲:Lemon tree 周:Look, who are they? 孔:Oh,The turtle and the rabbit
周:请欣赏情景剧表演《龟兔赛跑》 (节目十二)情景剧:The turtle and the rabbit 周: 孔:
(节目十三)独唱:雪绒花Edelweiss 周: 孔:
(节目十四)英语歌曲舞蹈串烧:English songs and dances 周:Dear friends,the party is ending .Thanks for the great performance of our students!
Thanks to all the friends here! Thanks for your coming. 孔:亲爱的朋友们,圣诞晚会到此结束,感谢同学们的精彩表演,感谢到场的所有来宾,感谢大家的到来! 合:Merry Christmas again! Let’s sing the song together. 周:再次祝大家圣诞快乐,让我们一起唱响圣诞之歌! (全体起立,齐唱圣诞之歌)