

写作方法 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  Incorrect: He went shopping for bread,milk,and eggs.He really needed breakfast food.不正确:他去买面包,牛奶,和鸡蛋。他真的需要早餐。

  Correct: He went shopping for bread, milk, and eggs. He really need breakfast food.正确:他去买面包, 牛奶, 和鸡蛋。 他真的需要早餐。

  Use commas when separating items in a list.列举时用逗号把不同项隔离。

  Incorrect: My classmates Sarah John and Mary came over to my house after school.不正确:我同学Sarah John 和Mary放学后来我家。

  Correct: My classmates Sarah, John, and Mary came over to my house after school.正确:我同学Sarah, John,和Mary放学后来我家。

  It looks like Sarah's last name is John if a comma is NOT added.


  Don't forget to check for misspelled words and correct use of periods, quotes, parentheses, and exclamation marks. Please see other italki teacher articles for grammar tips.别忘了检查有没有拼写错误,有没有正确使用句号,引用号,括号,和感叹号。请参看其他italki老师写的关于语法小贴士的文章。

  Note: Watch out for verb tenses when writing your articles!注意:写文章时注意动词时态。


  Although reading and writing in English are very challenging tasks, each and every one of you is capable of learning these skills. When reading, keep your eyes moving ahead on the page to grasp the main idea of the article. Do not become fixated on one word or phrase, otherwise it will cause your reading fluency to lag. Break down the passage into parts when you are confused.尽管阅读和写作在英语中是非常具有挑战性的任务,但你们每个人都能学会这些技能。当阅读时,仔细阅读掌握文章中心思想。不要一个词或短语纠结过久,否则它将导致你阅读的流畅性滞后。当你不明白时,把文章分解成不同部分。  No matter what topic you are writing about, organize your thoughts and ideas before beginning. Once you finish, go back through the essay and read it aloud to see if it sounds fluent. You want your writing to flow from one idea to another. Double-check your spelling and punctuation. If you keep working to improve your reading and writing skills, you will soon look back and see the substantial progress you have made!不管你写什么主题,写之前组织好你的想法。一旦结束,检查你的文章并大声读出来,来看它是否流畅。你希望你的写作内容是流畅地从一个观点过度到另一个观点。仔细检查拼写和标点。如果你一直努力提高你的阅读和写作能力,不久当你回头看时,你将会看到你所获得的实质性进步!
