

写作方法 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  Go back and break apart a paragraph into individual sentences. Can you understand the main meaning of the sentence? If so, then you will be able to understand what the new vocabulary word(s) are referring to based upon context.回头把段落分为各个句子。你能理解句子的主要含义吗?如果能,你就能基于上下文理解新词汇。

  Vocabulary Words词汇

  Unfamiliar words may seem intimidating, but actually you are very capable of figuring out the meaning of the words all by yourself. Once you believe you know what the word means, you can then try to find the same vocabulary word used in the same way in another sentence. Does it seem to refer to the same concept? Check your answer by asking an English tutor or looking up the definition in a dictionary.不熟悉的词汇可能会显得令人生畏,但其实你自己完全有能力想出词汇的意思。一旦你确信你知道的词汇的意思,你可以尝试寻找在其他句子里以统一用法出现的同一词汇。它是否指的是同一概念?在问你英文教师或查词典之前对一下答案。

  Note: Avoid reading articles pertaining to abstract topics until you feel comfortable reading daily news articles. Also, articles that use too many idioms may become very frustrating for a foreign reader to understand.注意:避免在你有信心读日常新闻文章前读有关抽象主题的文章。并且,使用过多习语的文章可能会让外国阅读者很难理解。

  Writing an Entry写读后感

  Being able to express your thoughts and ideas in English are just as important a skill as understanding what you are reading. Students often feel writing to be an impossible task because the English language has too many grammatical rules and ways of expression; however, writing is a skill that can definitely be achieved over time.能够用英语表达你的想法这个能力和能理解你读的文章的能力一样重要。学生经常感觉写作是一个无法完成的任务因为英语有太多语法规则和特定表达;然而,写作绝对是一个能通过时间提高的能力。
