

写作方法 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  Be Concise要简洁

  Your boss or college professor would much rather you write quality instead of quantity. Although it is good to combine short sentences to make them longer, don't ramble. In other words, don't just write a bunch of extra words to meet the required word count. Instead, write a detailed response with better word choice.你的老板或者教授希望你写质量好而不是字数多的文章。虽然把短句结合成长句很好,但注意别啰嗦。也就是说,不要写一堆额外的词来凑字数。相反,用精简的措词写一个详细的回答。


  Because it is difficult for foreigners to express their ideas, they often write the same idea repeatedly in multiple ways. Avoid writing the same ideas over and over, because it becomes boring for the reader.由于对于外国人来说,用外语表达他们的想法很难,所以他们经常用不同的方式重复地表达同一意思。要注意避免重复写同一想法,因为这让读者觉得很枯燥。


  Capitalization, spacing, and commas are commonly misused.大写,间距,逗号经常被误用。

  Capitalize the first letter of every sentence and when using proper nouns.每一句的第一个字母要大写,使用特定名词要大写。

  Incorrect: while she was in chicago, she went to lincoln park to walk her dog named rocky.不正确:当她在chicago时,她去lincoln公园去遛叫rocky的狗。

  Correct: While she was in Chicago, she went to Lincoln park to walk her dog named Rocky.正确:当她在Chicago时,她去Lincoln公园去遛叫Rocky的狗。

  Spacing is often wrong when I am reading italki users’ notebook entries. Be sure to leave a space between each word, after a comma, and after the period at the end of a sentence.当我读italki用户写的小作文时发现,间距经常被用错。确保词与词之间,逗号后,句尾句号后有空格
