In March, spring girl comes to the world with her sister Chunyu.
Spring rain is sand and sand, falling on peach blossom. Peach blossom is red and red. Spring rain falls on grass. Grass becomes green. Spring rain falls on apricot flower. Apricot flower becomes white and white. Spring rain falls on jasmine flower. Jasmine flower becomes golden and yellow.
Spring rain makes the world colorful. 阳春三月,春姑娘带着春雨妹妹来到世界。
In March, spring girl comes to the world with her sister Chunyu.
Spring rain is sand and sand, falling on peach blossom. Peach blossom is red and red. Spring rain falls on grass. Grass becomes green. Spring rain falls on apricot flower. Apricot flower becomes white and white. Spring rain falls on jasmine flower. Jasmine flower becomes golden and yellow.
Spring rain makes the world colorful.