At present in zhanjiang years age: 24
Registered permanent residence is in: cadastral yangjiang countries: China
Marital status: single people race: han
Talent type: fresh graduates
Applied position: logistics/warehousing, logistics assistant, senior management: management kind, market/marketing: marketing class
Term: 0 position says: no title
Job types: internships available date: at any time
Monthly salary requirements: 1000-1500 hope work areas: guangzhou, shenzhen, guangdong province
Work experience
Spring leather factory start-stop years: 2008- 2008-08
The company properties: private enterprise by sector: trade/consumption/manufacturing/operation
Position: warehouse administrator
Job description:
Leaving reason: summer social practice
China Avon start-stop years: 2008- 2008-12
The company properties: a wholly foreign owned by sector: other industries
Position: in case direct sellers
Job description:
Leaving reason: part-time
Education background
Graduate school: university of guangdong Marine money institute
The highest degree: college degree: graduation date: 2009-
A special industry: logistics management is industry 2:
Starting years years (institution) terminated school field obtain the certificate certificate Numbers
The 2003-09 2006-07 YangChunShi second high school geography graduation card-
The 2006-09 2009-07 guangdong Marine university inch gold college logistics management--