




  Once upon a time, there was a very lazy pig who only knew how to eat and sleep, and seldom did anything for others. One day, when mother pig came home, she was so tired that she asked the pig to buy food. After hearing the pig, he twisted his fat ass and said, "I don't want to go. I don't want to go." Pig mother listen to pig, say to it: "you this lazy insect, if you go, I give you chocolate to eat." Hearing this, the pig got up reluctantly, took a basket and slowly walked out of the house. Along the way, he played while he walked, smelling and smelling. Suddenly, the pig smelt a fragrance, so, the pig thought: there must be a lot of delicious food, ha ha. He walked along the scent, and at last came under a big tree. He saw many delicious food, and he jumped on it and ate. When he was eating, he had no idea that a ferocious Wolf was hiding in the grass behind him. In a few moments, the pig finished eating those things. Lying on the grass, he felt his round belly and said, "it's delicious. It's delicious." All of a sudden, the Wolf came out of the grass, and the two green eyes were looking at the pig. Piggy saw the Wolf and wanted to run away, but because the piggy didn't like to exercise, he ate so many things just now, he couldn't run, so he shouted for help. The Wolf got closer and closer, and the dog at the bottom of the mountain heard the cry of the piggy. He shouted to his companion, and he rushed at full speed to the mountain. Luckily, the dog ran up the mountain in time. The Wolf saw so many dogs, and was so angry that he ran away.

  When the pig came home, he told the whole story, and the mother said, "my child! You should take this as a deep lesson and stop being lazy.

  From then on, the pig got up very early every day and worked out, becoming a lovely and healthy pig.


  Noodles, instant noodles and steamed stuffed buns are good friends. They have a deadly enemy, a cookie.

  On Sunday, the noodles eat breakfast, go to find instant noodles to play! Noodles don't get up until that time. Noodles are just there for instant noodles.

  It's time to eat instant noodles! The instant noodles father say: "noodles you eat?" The noodles reply: "I have eaten! Instant noodles uncle." The instant noodles say: "I thought you did not eat, let you eat that in this." After eating the instant noodles, they go to find baozi! To baozi's home. Baozi was waiting for them at the door.

  They're playing hide and seek! Instant noodles are caught! After a while, the cookies are seen! It was dressed up as a noodle, and it was broken with a stone. Baozi saw that the noodles were not playing with the noodles again. This time the biscuit is happy!

  It is convenient to face baozi to say: "I never found noodles" baozi is not listening.

  Later, instant noodles found a mask of noodles in the area where they were playing.

  It goes to baozi, baozi, which makes it clear that the noodles are made of biscuits. Baozi apologized to the noodles.

  From then on, they became good friends again. This plan of biscuits has failed! He accidentally fell into the river and suffocated!


  Monkeys are known as the "banana king", while some small animals also like bananas, but banana trees are occupied by monkeys. If someone eats a little banana, the banana king will go crazy with you, and everyone is afraid to eat bananas. The banana king is very proud of it.

  One day, a banana appeared in the banana forest. Everyone is very rare, warm welcome. The name of the elephant was cut and it was decided that it was directed at the banana. It is true that it is more mad than a monkey to eat a banana. It's hilarious! Sure enough, after a while, the banana elephant is hungry, then go to look for a banana, walk to walk, suddenly see a bright -- a banana forest! He was so mad that he ran and ran, shaking the ground, which frightened the monkeys who were eating bananas. Some are scared silly, flabbergasted, some creaks, scattered to flee, and also is the British army, jump to the prewar. The Monkey King said, "shoot, kill --" the monkeys swarms. Oh, the elephant is so big, the monkeys run to the elephant's feet and run away. Only the Monkey King is there.

  The elephant looks very calm and gulps the banana, the monkeys are angry and helpless. At last the king of the monkey said, "hey, you giant lunatic, why eat our bananas?" "Well, yours? Ah -- ha, I'm sorry. However, this banana other animal also likes to eat, that I ask you, other animals can't eat, you monopolize, this good?" The monkeys looked at each other and lowered their heads to reflect on their selfishness.

  So the monkeys "liberated" the banana forest, and the banana forest was filled with joy. The monkeys were so happy for the first time.

  Soon the banana was coming home, the monkeys were reluctant to give up, and the monkey said to the elephant, "thank you for letting us know that it is truly happy to be happy with everyone."


  We are a group of happy rabbits, living in the forest.

  In our family, the other members are all grey, only me, all white, very beautiful, so everyone is very fond of me, and affectionately call me "little white".

  My friends were so envious that I was so beautiful that I liked to play with me. It made me feel very happy and proud. Naturally, this beautiful white hair became my favorite.

  One day, mom asked us to practice running. I ran for a while, feeling a sweat, and found that the white fur was covered with dust and dirt and dirt. I wrinkled my brows in pain and said to my mother, "mom, I'm tired, can I have a rest?" Mother lovingly said to me, "son, you go to rest! But remember to come back and practice!" I was relieved, ran home, jumped into the tub, took a shower with my heart...

  From then on, every time I practiced running, I slowly and carefully, for fear that I would get dirty with white and beautiful hair.

  The days passed by. One day, I was playing outside with my good friend David and xiao jia. Suddenly a big gray Wolf came, and we scattered and ran for our lives. Becks and xiao jiayi had run out of sight, but I could not run fast, so in a hurry, I had to hide in the grass. But the Wolf found me at once, and he flung himself on the ground with his paw. In fear, I asked the Wolf in disbelief, "why am I hiding here, and will you find out?" The Wolf laughed and said, "ha ha, it is your white fur that has exposed you!" So...

  Beauty brought me glory, but it also cost me my life. I can't bear to regret that a big mouth of blood is closing in on me.
