Description trees and leaves the good word:
碧绿 狭长 绿油油
A lush green
参天 巍然 高大 粗大 粗壮 茁壮 苍劲
Towering majestic tall and thick stout sturdy and vigorous
苍翠 挺立 笔直 挺秀 挺拔 繁茂 茂盛
Green and lush luxuriant stand Tingxiu straight
浓密 旺盛 葱绿 葱笼 葱郁 青翠 繁密
The thick green onion cage lush green incredibly strong
绿涛 墨绿 飘洒 飘零 婆娑 摇曳 摇摆
Lv Tao green float swayed sway.
倒垂 盘曲 合抱 舒展 蔽日 败叶 零落
Reversed and folded stretch blot out the sun leaves scattered
枝繁叶茂 绿树成荫 绿荫环绕 郁郁葱葱 俊秀挺拔 高大伟岸
With luxuriant foliage trees shade around a wild profusion of vegetation beautiful tall and strong
密密层层 严严实实 高大雄伟 草木葱茏 直插云霄 高大挺拔
Tightly packed closely layer upon layer tall majestic tall lush in-line roller
万木吐翠 万木峥嵘 古木参天 林木青翠 林海茫茫 林海浩瀚
Trees tucui trees towering ancient trees tower to the skies. Green trees Linhai vast Linhai vast
茂林修竹 铁树开花 绿色长城 绿色长廊 竹树环合 松涛阵阵
An agreeable environment sth. seldom seen or hardly possible the Great Wall green green promenade bamboo tree cyclization Songtao again
枝叶繁茂 苍翠挺拔 青翠欲滴 根深叶茂 荫翳蔽日 遮天蔽日
The lush verdant shade and thick with leaves and deep-rooted the grass is green and luxuriant.
垂柳依依 轻烟柳影 果树飘香 虬枝龙爪 傲然挺立 枝叶婆娑
Whirling weeping willow Yiyi smoke Liu Ying fruit fragrance sticks Qiu matsudana stand proudly branches
高耸入云 耸入云天 盘根错节 饱经风霜 枯木逢春 漫林碧透
Touch the sky soaring into the sky have experienced years of wind and frost flowers diffuse forest green is complicated and difficult to deal with
千姿百态 炯娜多姿 迎风斗雪 生机勃勃 亭亭如盖 密密麻麻
In different poses and with different expressions Jiong Na colorful aweather snow erect like a densely packed full of vigour