

故事 时间:2021-08-31 手机版




  美丽的乡间农舍,一只母鸭寂寞地坐在它的集 里,孵化自已的孩子。终于,那些鸭蛋一个接一个地 裂开了,“僻!僻!”鸭蛋叫起来,井伸出了它们的小 头。瞧!这些小家伙多么活泼,睁着好奇的眼睛正四 下张望。只有一只蛋还躺在那儿,没有一点儿动静。


  “这是一只吐绶鸡的蛋!让它躺在那儿吧。你尽 管先教别的孩子去游泳好了。”一只来访的老母鸭这 样劝着。

  但是鸭妈妈还是坚持着把蛋孵了出来。这只小鸭又大又丑,不过游起水来倒还漂亮。鸭妈妈因此稍 感欣慰,井盼望它会慢慢长得漂亮点。

  可是新的生活一开始,这只最后从蛋壳里爬出 的丑小鸭处处挨啄,受排挤、被讥笑,不仅在鸭中是 如此,连在鸡群中也是这样。后来的情形一大比一大 更糟。大家都要赶走这只可怜的小鸭趣它自已的兄 弟姐妹也对它生起气来。于是妈妈也说:“我希望你 走远些!”鸭儿们啄它,小鸡们打它,喂鸡鸭的那个女 佣人也用脚踢它。于是它闭起眼睛悲哀地逃,逃到一 块住着许多野鸭的沼泽地,又逃到一间老太婆和猫 儿鸡儿住的农舍。结果还是一样地受歧视,嫌它不会 “眯眯”叫,小鸭苦闷极了,自个儿在水中钻来钻去, 秋天时栋得“呱呱”直叫。

  一天傍晚,薄暮低垂,一群美丽的天鹅从灌木林 里飞出来,小鸭从未见过这么美丽的鸟,看着它们飞 走了,既茫然又羡慕,心中油然桶出一种深深的爱, 好像它从未爱过什么似的。

  冬天来了,终于有一天小鸭昏倒了,一个农夫把 他抱回家去送给了他的妻子,可是它又闯祸了,农去 的妻子要用火钳打它,它鼓起翅膀飞走了,飞进了一 座大花园,在这里它又遇见了美丽的天鹅。小鸭突然 优郁地想:“我要飞向它们,飞向这些高贵的鸟儿!即 使被它们打死,也总比让那些欺负自已的贱货咬、啄 要好受得多。”于是它又飞到水里,向美丽的天鹅游 去。

  “请你们把我弄死吧!”可怜的小鸭说。它低低地 把头垂到水上,只等着一死。

  但是,当它在清撤的水画看到自已的倒影,再也 不是一只粗笨的,深灰色的,又丑又令人讨厌的鸭子 了,而是——一只天鹅时,它恍然大彻大悟。

  只要是只天鹅蛋,即使生活在鸡窝里,又有什么 关系呢?

  孩子们向它撒画包片、麦粒,许多大天鹅在它周 围游泳,用嘴吻它,它感到非常幸福,快乐地想:“当 我还是一个丑小鸭的.时候,我做梦也没想到会有这 么幸福!”


  The Ugly Duckling

  Long ago, in a farmyard many miles away, a Mother Duck sat on her nest. She was waiting for her eggs to hatch. Each day she proudly looked at them. There were six eggs, which meant six little ducklings to teach to swim.

  One sunny spring morning, the first egg began to crack..

  'Tap, tap, tap,' went the duckling inside, trying to get out. Mother Duck watched as the egg cracked open and out popped a fluffy duckling.

  "One," said Mother Duck proudly.

  The next day, the second egg hatched and out popped another fluffy duckling.

  "Two," said Mother Duck proudly.

  On the third day, duckling number three hatched.

  "That leaves just three," said Mother Duck.

  On the fourth and fifth day, ducklings number four and five hatched.

  "That leaves just one," said Mother Duck, as she settled on her nest. Her ducklings gathered around her.

  But on the sixth day nothing happened. Nor on the seventh.

  "How strange," said Mother Duck on the seventh day. "It should have hatched by now."

  One of the farmyard chickens wandered by.

  "Oh," she said. "You're still there I thought you'd be on the pond by now."

  "It's this last egg," said Mother Duck. "It hasn't hatched yet."

  "Let me see," said the chicken. "Well no wonder. It looks like a goose egg to me. You'll be here for a long time."

  "Oh dear," said Mother Duck. "I have my five little ducklings to teach to swim. What shall I do? I can't leave it."

  "Aah well," said the chicken, and she wandered off.

  The goose heard that one of her eggs was in Mother Duck's nest.

  "Is it true?" she asked, as she puffed up to the nest. "Do you have one of my eggs?"

  "I think so," said Mother Duck. They both looked in the nest.

  "Huh," said the goose. "That's not mine. It looks more like that absent-minded turkey's egg."

  As they looked, they suddenly heard the faint tapping. The shell was breaking.

  "We'll soon see," said the goose.

  They watched and waited.

  "Oh," said the goose.

  "Oh, dear," said Mother Duck, as she looked at the sixth duckling. It looked most strange, it was straggly and grey where its brothers and sisters were fluffy and yellow. It was also bigger than them.

  It quacked as it saw its mother.

  "Well, if it's a turkey," said the goose, "it won't swim."

  Mother Duck hurried her ducklings to the pond. She waddled in and listened. Splash! Splish! Splosh! Splash! Splish! She turned and looked. All six ducklings followed her in the water.

  "Oh, well," she said. "He can swim. He is definitely not a turkey."

  The sixth duckling was very good at swimming, and was soon swimming better than his brothers and sisters.

  Back at the farmyard, things did not go well for the little duckling. Everyone called him an ugly duckling. The chickens laughed at him, the turkeys chased him and the geese hissed at him.

  Soon even his brothers and sisters would not talk to him, but when his mother turned away, he was very sad. He decided to leave the farmyard.
