

长恨歌 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  摘 要

  《长恨歌》,当代中国著名作家王安忆的长篇代表作,毕业论文-另一曲长恨不息的歌—论关锦鹏对《长恨歌》的解读和构建 - 语言文学论文。自上世纪910年代首次出版以来,前后共增印2102次,总销量达510万册以上。她通过细腻的手笔通过女人来写城市,用城市来反映女人,两者互为镜像,这样的手笔,是非常独特的,她的作品被人称为是1部史诗。





  Elegy of Etermal Regret, contemporary China renowned writer Wang An-yi recalled lengthy representative works. Has published for the first time since on century 90s, around altogether Increase printing 22, the total sales volume reaches above 500,000 volume. She writes the city through the exquisite writing skill through the woman, reflects the woman with the city, two mutually is the mirror image, such writing skill, is extremely unique, her work by the person for is an epic poem.

  Elegy of Etermal Regret, Guan Jin-peng directs the movie. Guan Jin-peng, Famous in Chinese cinema world ! Guan Jin-peng started to direct the first movie The Female Will of the people in the 28 years old that he industriously do farm work,Moveover he create a series of excellent works. Guan Jin-peng excels is using the technique of exquisite, the gorgeous picture, describes the female personality condition and the psychology, leaves behind a each one sorrowful moving feminine image on the sparkling silver screen.

  The novel which this article through compares which Guan Jin-peng to directed the movie Song of Eternal Sorrow and Wang An-yi recalled Song of Eternal Sorrow the similarities and differences, understood changes the forming movie differently about the novel place. In the comparison process, we feeling a clear life tragic drama who has emphatically held the character and background anlysis and constructions.

  Key words: Elegy of Eternal Regert; Guan Jin-peng; Analysis; Construction
