Latika:You came back for me.
Jamal:Of course.
Latika:I thought you'd forgotten.
Jamal:I never forgot.Not for one moment.I knew I'd find you in the end.It's our destiny.
Jamal:I knew you'd be watching.
Latika:I thought we'd be together only in death.
Jamal:This our destiny.
Latika:Kiss me.
Jamal Malik is one question away
from winning 20 million rupees.How did he do it?
(杰玛 马利克还有一个问题就可以赢得2000万卢比.他是怎么做到的?)
A.He's cheated
B.He's lucky.
C.He's a genius.
D.It's written.
host:Welcome to .Are your ready?
Jamal Malik:yes,I'm nervous.
Jamal Malik:Because I thought she would be watching.She's my destiny.
live on what?
I owe Latika 我欠拉提卡的
拜托,拜托。我们接下来要游览哪儿?我们时间很紧张。你知道的,下午我们还要游览Red Fort。