

合同范本 时间:2021-08-31 手机版




  To protect commercial secretes of Party A and Party B hereof,following the principle of fairness, equity  and mutual benefit, the two parties involved hereby reach this non-disclosure agreement:


  All the information provided by Party A to Party B are in the scope of commercial secrets, and Party B has the obligation to keep them confidential. The scope of commercial secrets of Party A that Party B has the obligations to keep confidential includes but is not limited to the followings:


  mold contract (including variety, specification, quantity and price factor, delivery date, etc.), mold inspection standard and product inspection standard;


  All information, parameters, drawings, fixtures and tools concerning parts of the product;


  models and samples of products concerning appearance and function of Party A;


  Any product marked with “OPPO” or equivalent signs including IC card, LCD display, packing material such as color dispenser, product manual, handbag, advertising product and casing;


  mold technology, mold patent, product patent and system flow of development provided by Party A;


  Information of mold produced by Party B, product model, detailed information of purchase order (including color, quantity and date of delivery) of Party A, etc.;


  Original technical data and actual product of Party A concerning appearance, industrial design, color matching, trial product of mold (including elements of trial mold and sample of coating) of the model that have not entered market yet;


  Other structure design schemes to which Party A owns intellectual property rights, and information and actual product with exclusive LOGO of Party A;


  Party B has the following obligations to keep the abovementioned commercial secretes of Party A confidential:


  Take active measures to protect the abovementioned commercial secretes in case they are learnt or used by a third party;

  2.2保证接触甲方商业秘密的员工不泄露知悉的甲方商业秘密,保证非接触甲方商业秘密的员工不得刺探   或者以其他不正当手段(包括利用计算机进行检索、浏览、复制等)获取甲方的商业秘密;

  Ensure that all the employees of Party B to whom disclosure of commercial secrets of Party A is to be made will not have the commercial secrets disclosed, and ensure that all the employees of Party B for whom the commercial secrets of Party A are inaccessible shall not detect or obtain in illegal method (including but not limited to searching, browsing and copying on computer);


  Do not disclose the commercial secretes of Party A to a third party;

  2.4乙方除为履行义务且经甲方事先同意外,均不得为自己或他人之利益直接或间接使用上述机密资料及   知识产权;

  Unless for performing obligations specified in the agreement and with prior consent from Party A, Party B shall not directly or indirectly use the abovementioned confidential information and intellectual property rights for benefits of Party B or anyone else;


  Do not permit (including lending, presenting, releasing, transferring, etc.) or assist a third party in using the commercial secrets of Party A;


  Party B acknowledges that Party A has set up special system of public statement and information disclosure, and promises to strictly abide by this system;

  2.7不论因何种原因终止与甲方合作后,都不得利用甲方的商业秘密为其他与甲方有竞争关系的企业(包   括自办企业)服务;

  In case of termination of cooperation with Party A due to any reason, Party B shall not use the commercial secretes of Party A to provide service to the enterprise in competition with Party A (including self-invested enterprises);

  2.8乙方所占有、使用、监督或管理的与甲方知识产权有关的资料、机密资料均为甲方财产,应于合作结   束时悉数交还甲方,未经许可不得自行复制、传真、利用网络对外传送等。

  All the related information and all the confidential information concerning intellectual property rights of Party A possessed, used, supervised or controlled by Party B, are under ownership of Party A, and shall all be returned to Party A at termination of cooperation. All the information are prohibited to be copied, faxed and transmitted through network in case of no authorization;

  2.9乙方同意甲方商业秘密之界定范围,无论故意或过失、无论以任何形式泄露甲方商业秘密均属违法行  为,甲方有权视违法情节和危害程度,采取向警方报案、采取强制措施、追究刑事责任等非常手段。
