
初中英语How do you make a banana milk shake测试练习题

试题 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  I. 听句子, 从 A, B, C, D 中找出你所听到的单词。(5分)

  1. ______ me a cup of smoothie, please.

  A. Show B. Pass C. Gi ve D. Sell

  2. Do you like ______ in your sandwich?

  A. honey B. relish C. mayonnaise D. chicken

  3. He mixed yogurt and juice in the small ______.

  A. bowl B. bottle C. glass D. cup

  4. How much sauce do the children ______?

  A. want B. order C. need D. buy

  5. She cut up the tomatoes, ______ and lemons.

  A. apples B. bananas C. watermelons D. oranges

  II. 听对话, 根据你所听到的对话, 在下列句子的空白处填写一个适当的词。(5分)

  1. Rose wants ______ apples.

  2. Bill is making a______smoothie.

  3. Mum taught May to make fruit______.

  4. Bob's ______ is on the plate.

  5. Jack is looking for the ______.

  III. 看插图, 根据其内容, 回答你所听到的问题。(10分)

  1. _______________________ _____________

  2. ____________________________________

  3. ____________________________________

  4. ____________________________________

  5. ____________________________________


  I. 语音。(10分)


  A. 一种 B. 两种 C. 三种 D. 四种

  1. add mayonnaise amount watermelon

  2. slice relish mix recipe

  3. bread teaspoon dream mean

  4. amount noun countable outback

  5. smoothie teaspoon schoolwork tooth

  II. 短语英汉互译。 (10分)

  6. 两杯水______ 7. 打开......______

  8. 剥香蕉______ 9. 把苹果切碎 ______

  10. 三块蛋糕______

  11. two slices of bread______

  12. mix up______

  13. add...to...______

  14. much chicken______

  15. two teaspoons of yogurt______

  III. 单项选择。(10分)

  16. Lots of______are coming here.

  A. women B. woman C. womans D. womens

  17. Here's a recipe______a pizza.

  A. with B. at C. for D. on

  18. Let's______a sandwich together.

  A. to do B. do C. to make D. make

  19. My father needs ______ now.

  A. six slices of apples B. five slices of onion

  C. four piece of onions D. five piece of breads

  20. I also like some ______ and ______.

  A. tomato; chicken B. tomatoes; chicken

  C. tomatos; chicke ns D. tomatoes; chickens

  21. ―What is your sister doing now?

  ―______ the onions.

  A. Cut up B. Peel

  C. Cutting on D. Peeling

  22. - ______?

  -It's twenty yuan.

  A. How many is it B. What is it

  C. How money is it D. How much is it

  23. Please add a tomato ______ the sandwich.

  A. on B. in C. to D. at

  24. He wants to know______ lettuce I want.

  A. How many B. How much

  C. how many D. how much

  25. Mike sa ys he needs ______.

  A. to eat anything B. to eat something

  C. eats something D. to eating something

  IV. 句型转换。(10分)

  26. I need one apple. (改为一般疑问句)

  ______ you ______ one apple?

  27. They need yogurt. (改为否定句)

  They ______ ______ yogurt.

  28. Drink the smoothie. (以he为主语改写句子)

  ______ ______ the smoothie every day.

  29. We need one teaspoon of cinnamon. (对划线部分提问)

  How ______ ______ of cinnamon do you need?

  30. We need one teaspoon of cinnamon. (对划线部分提问)

  How ______ ______ do you need?

  V. 单句改错。(10分)


  31. She often(A) helps(B) her mother doing(C) some(D) housework.

  32. Do(A) you have(B) delicious something(C) to eat(D)?

  33. First(A), put(B) the mayonnaise(C) in(D) a slice of bread.

  34. Who(A) is(B) the girl(C) at(D) the bike?

  35. Here(A) are(B) three slice(C) of chicken(D).

  VI. 完形填空。(10分)


  A: Do you like ______(36) salad?

  B: Yes, I like fruit salad very much.

  A: Let's ______(37) some now.

  B: OK. How many ______(38) do we need?

  A: Let me see. We ______(39) two apples.

  B: An d how many ______(40) do we need?

  A: Three.

  B: OK. How many ______(41) do we need?

  A: Only one.

  B: How ______(42) ______(43) do we need?

  A: One teaspoon.

  B: How much ______(44) do we need?

  A: One cup.

  B: Here are two apples, three bananas, one watermelon, one ______(45) of cinnamon and one cup of yogurt. And here is a bowl. It's ready now. Let's begin to make it.

  A: OK.

  VII. 阅读理解。(10分)

  English people have porridge for breakfast, too. But their porridge is made of oats(燕麦), not rice. Many English people put sugar in their porridge, but the Scottish always put salt in it.

  English people always drink tea out of cups, not out of glasses. They usually drink tea with sugar and milk. When you go to an English family for tea, the host(男主人) or hostess always asks you, "How many lumps(方块) of sugar do you wa nt in your tea?"

  In ordinary English families, the main meal is in the evening, because most of the families are away during the day. But on Sunday when everybody is at home, they make the midday(正午) meal, and in the evening they have a much lighter supper.


  46. Some English people like eating porridge and puting sugar in their porridge.

  47. All English people always drink tea with coffee and sugar.

  48. Lunch is the main meal for English people.

  49. Everybody in England is at home on Sunday.

  50. English people have the main meal in the evening on Sunday.

  VIII. 写作。(10分)

  请你写一篇制作玉米花(popcorn)的小短文。注意使用first, next , then, finally等表示过程的词。不少于50个词。






  I. 1. Pass me a cup of smoothie, please.

  2. Do you like mayonnaise in your sandwich?

  3. He mixed yogurt and juice in the small bowl.

  4. How much sauce do the children need?

  5. She cut up the tomatoes, oranges and lemons.

  (1-5 BCACD)


  1. M: How many apples do you need, Rose?

  W: Two.

  2. W: Let's go and play badminton, Bill .

  M: Oh, sorry. I'm making a banana smoothie.

  3. M: Can you make fruit sa lad, May?

  W: Yes. Mum taught me last month.

  4. W: Is that your sandwich in the bowl, Bob?

  M: No. Mine is on the plate.

  5. M: I can't find the relish.

  W: Find the bottle, Jack. It's in it.

  (1. two 2. banana 3. salad 4. sandwich 5. relish)

  III. 1. Whom is the woman making the sandwich for?

  2. What's the woman putting on the sandwich?

  3. Where's the bottle of mayonnaise?

  4. What's the boy waiting for?

  5. What's that near the bottle o f relish, a tomato or half a watermelon?

  (1. She's making it for the boy / her son. 2. She's putting some mayonnaise on it. 3. It's in the woman's hands. 4. He's waiting for the sandwich. 5. It's half a watermelon.)


  I. 1-5 DCBAB

  II. 6. two cups / glasses of water 7. turn on... 8. peel a banana 9. cut up the apple 10. three cakes / three pieces of cakes 11. 两片面包 12. 搅拌;混合在一起 13. 把......加 到...... 14. 许多鸡肉 15. 两茶匙酸奶

  I II. 16. A. 注意woman的复数形式是women。 17. C. for表示对象、用途等,意为"为;适合于"等。 18. D. 表示"做......"用make,且let's后边用动词原形。 19. A. 注意名词的单复数。20. B. tomato为可数名词,其复数形 式要加-es;chicken是不可数名词。21. D. 根据上句可知答句应用现在进行时,再根据句意选D。22. D. 提问价格用how much。23. C. "把......加入......"译为"add...to..."。24. D. lettuce是不可数名词。25. B. need在这里是实义动词,所以后边跟不定式;因为是在肯定句中,所以用something而不用anything。

  IV. 26. Do, need 27. don't need 28. He drinks 29. many teaspoons 30. much cinnamon

  V. 31. C. doing→ do/to do 32. C. delicious something→ something delicious 33. D. in→ on 34. D. at→ on 35. C. slice→ slices

  VI. 36. fruit 37. make 38. apples 39. need 40. bananas 41. watermelons 42. much 43. cinnamon 44. yogurt 45. teaspoon

  VII. 46-50 TFFFF

  VIII. One possible version:

  How to make popcorn

  I like popcorn very much. I learned from my mother how to make popcorn. Now let me show you the ways. First yo u put the popcorn into the popper. Next, turn on the popper. Wait for several minutes. Then you pour the popcorn into the bowl. And put salt on the popcorn. Finally you can eat the popcorn.
