

高中英语作文 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  导语:关于时间观念你有什么理解?以下是小编为大家收集的几篇题为 的作文。供大家参考阅读。希望喜欢。


  The importance of time is dependent on the different view points of people's origin respectively culture. "Time is one of the fundamental bases on which all cultures rest and around which all activities revolve. Germans’ most important attitude towards time seems to be always punctual. Everything else than being right in time is an insult for the waiting person and a shame for the person who keeps waiting. Time is considered as very rare and expensive. That's why time has to be well/perfectly organized. So punctuality is one fot the most important considerations in dealing with Germans. Offered by New Cam_Olym English Training School.


  Concept of time in different cultures is different.

  1.In the United States,people have a saying that”time is money“.In fact,they not very time-conscious and often late.

  2.Swede are the most time-conscious people, I think. Everything seems to happen on time there. They are strict with time.

  3.In Chinese culture,tardiness is usually allowed and expect in daily life. Sometime they are not punctual.

  4.I can say India people are not very punctual. The whole system is actually late. the late buses, the late trains, the late government plan.

  5.In England,they maybe spend a lot time with family. Long holiday is help for relaxing.


  Life in the United States is fast-paced. There are fast food restaurants, overnight delivery services, shuttle services, instant cash machines, fast weight loss plans, and even instant minute rice. Avidly following such sayings as, "The early bird gets the worm," and, "First come, first served," North Americans even have their meals in an efficient manner. Microwaves help nuke their early breakfasts, noon lunches, and five-o'clock dinners.

  "Time is money" for big businesses. Everyone follows set agendas. Minutes are taken at meetings that are precisely scheduled. North Americans take pride in juggling busy work schedules and still finding time to spend with family and friends.









