

试题 时间:2021-08-31 手机版




  Ⅰ.听句子 ,选择你所听到的词 。(5分  )

  (  ) 1. A. volleyball      B. soccer         C. tennis

  (  ) 2. A. Jenny’s        B. Tina’s          C. Tony’s

  (  ) 3. A. banana        B. apple          C. orange

  (  ) 4. A. fruit           B. vegetable      C. food

  (  ) 5. A. sweater        B. skirt           C. shorts


  ( )6. A. Mary           B.His name's Eric. C.I’m Gina.

  ( )7.A.Yes, I have one. B. Yes, I do.      C. Yes, I am.

  ( )8. A. It’s black.    B. Yes, it is.

  C.It’s in the backpack.

  ( )9. A. Yes, I do.      B. Yes, please.    C. No, I don’t.

  ( )10.A.That’s  a baseball.                   B. No, it isn’t.

  C.That sounds good.

  Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分)

  (   )11. A. Yes, he does      B. No, she don’t     C. No, he doesn’t

  (   )12. A. Chicken and hamburgers.     B. Chicken and  bananas

  C. Chicken and oranges

  (  13. A. Fifteen  dollars.   B.Eight dollars.     C. Eighteen dollars.

  (   14. A. Two             B. Twelve              C. Twenty

  (    )15. A. Black            B.Two dollars          C. long


  Sports    16    Sandra Clark eats lots of  17   food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, 18   and apples.   19 lunch, she likes hamburgers,salad and pears. And for   20   ,she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and ,for dessert ,ice cream.

  16.        17        18          19.          20.


  Ⅴ. 单项选择(共10分,每小题1分)

  (    ) 21.– ________ is the TV?    –It’s 2000 Yuan.

  A. How many        B. How much        C. How about

  (     ) 22. I don’t have a new soccer, but I have ___ old one.

  A. a        B. the        C. an

  (    ) 23. –Can I help you?    –_________.

  A. Thank you        B. Yes, please, I want a pen.

  C. You’re welcome.

  (    ) 24. What____ Tom often ____?

  A. does; watch        B. is; watches      C. are; do

  (    ) 25. –The T-shirt is only ten dollars.     –I’ll ________it.

  A. buy              B. take            C. sell

  (    ) 26. We have hamburgers, salad and pears ____ lunch.

  A. on            B. for              C.in

  (    ) 27. –Let’s _______baseball.

  --OK. Let’s_______.

  A. play; go         B. plays; go          C. play; to go

  (   ) 28. Here _______some meat in the fridge.

  A. is              B. are              C. be

  (    ) 29. We have ________ students.

  A. fourty –f our        B. four – fourty       C. forty – four

  (   ) 30.Mrs Green is  ________ mother.

  A.Ji m and Kate    B .Jim’s and Kate’s     C.Jim and Kate’s

  Ⅵ.完形填空。 (共10分,每小题1分)

  Lisa likes nice clothes. She often goes to a small___31____ store near her house. ___32____very nice. It ___33____many nice clothes. The girl in the store is___34____ and friendly(友好的). People can buy clothes at a good____35___ in the store. But Lisa doesn’t have much money, so she can only buy clothes on___36____. One day, she sees a yellow____37___ in the store. The price is 30___38____. Lisa likes this skirt. ___39____ she can’t afford it. She is very___40____.

  (  )31. A. shoe         B. video          C. clothes

  (  )32. A. They’re      B. It’s            C. It

  (  )33. A. sells         B. buys           C. wants

  (  )34. A. boring       B. nice          C. long

  (  )35. A. color        B. price           C. dollar

  (  )36. A. sell         B. sale            C. store

  (  )37. A. skirt        B. shirt           C. sweater

  (  )38. A. dollar       B. yuan           C. $

  (  )39. A. so          B. and            C. but

  (  )40. A. happy        B. interesting    C. sorry

  Ⅶ. 阅读理解。(共20分,每小题2分)


  Lucy I like sports. I have ten tennis rackets, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and five soccer balls. I play tennis every day, and I’m in the school tennis club.

  Mary I have a great sports collection. I have five baseballs, six volleyballs, three ping-pong bats and lots of(许多) ping-pong balls. I also have two soccer balls, but I don’t play sports. It’s boring.

  Alice I don’t play sports, and I have no balls.

  (    ) 41. Lucy and Mary have         volleyballs.
