Course: College English Book: New Horizon College English (3rd edition) Instructor Classes Content ShenDan Title Dates
School of Computing B Class Unit 6 Earn as You
Class periods
1.To talk about the effects of part-time employment 2.To further understand the text 3.To apply the phrases and patterns 4.To master the paragraph writing skill
An Interactive Approach (CAI)
Key Structures and Difficulties
1.Words & phrases: Numerous,reliable,contrast,indicate,indicator,decrease,assess, alter,stake,academic,undermine,significant,significantly,interfe re,overall,proof,approximately,seemingly,consistent,toll,given,i ndication,compromise,whereas,marginal,commit,committed,wi thdraw,striking,generate,anew,permanent,owing to,erode,characteristic,intensive,recreation,surplus,accustome d,depress,convention,controversial,conventional,formative,aba ndon,appealing,myth,resolve.//interfere with,cut class,on the other hand,take a /its toll on,at risk(of),to begin with,in other words,cut back on,cut corners,bit by bit,burn the midnight oil,drop out,in turn,contribute to,hold on to 2. Functional patterns: 1).Nevertheless, given that … , indications / proofs / investigations are that sb. is at risk of doing sth. 2).In other words, the more sb. do, the less sb. become / do. 3). According to sb.’ s studies / surveys / investigations, sth., in turn, may be linked to sth., and therefore, is likely to do sth.
Class Period 1: Lead-in and Pre-reading Activities 1. Lead-in: Questions and Answers (20’)
1) Why do some students want to take part-time jobs? 2) Why some students do not want to take part-time jobs? 3)What suggestions will you put forward toward students planning to work part-time?
2. Pre-reading Activities (25’) 1) look and talk 2) a debate about working or not working when studying 3) Information background Class Period 2: Text Study 1.Main idea & structure(10’) 2. Language focus (10’) 3. Critical thinking (25’)
In-class Activities
Class Period 3: Text Study 1. Text Reading and Comprehending (25’) 2. Main Ideas & Structure (10’) 3. Summary (10’) Class Period 4: Practice and Exercises 1. Student presentation (15) 2. Translation Exercises (30’) Class Period 5: Practice and Exercises 1. Language appreciation (20’) 2. Critical thinking (10’) 3. Writing skills (15’) Class Period 6:Practice and Exercises 1. Student presentation (15’) 2. Analyze Comprehensive Exercises(30’)
1. Exercises in Section A. 2. Self-study of Section B and finish the exercises in it. 3. Comprehensive exercises; 4. Writing assignment.
To ask 2-5 students to give English speeches or make English presentations at the beginning of class period. Instructor