

感动 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  Beyond the power of M. Vaceae, scientists have been proving for decades that exposure to dirt, and the huge number of microbes found in dirt, can strengthen our immune system. When our body comes into contact with bacteria, it stores die infonnation in a type of library and can then use that information to fight sickness and infection more effectively.

  Happiness, focus, less anxiety......I’ll take a double dose of dirt; please!

  1.What raises people’s spirits while spending time outdoors

  A. Air.B. Trees.

  C. WaterD. Dirt.

  2.How does M. Vaccae work

  A. By working on sensory nerves.B. By fighting sickness and infisction,

  C. By strengthening the immune system.D. By making immune cells active.

  3.According to the text, what does the author intend to do next

  A. Provide some advice on reducing anxiety for readers,

  B. Summarize the previous paragraphs about lifting one’s mood.

  C. Explain how he or she will expose himself or herself to dirt.

  D. Introduce a new topic related to dirt for discussion.

  4.What can be a suitable title for the text

  A. Fight Sickness and Infection More Effectively

  B. How Getting Dirty Can Actually lift Your Mood

  C. Let’s Take a Deep Breath of Fresh Air

  D. Enjoy Beauty and Naturally Connect to Others

  It is becoming increasingly important for researchers to closely monitor our ocean life. Howev er, observing sea creatures Up close is almost impossible since human presence scares them. Now, thanks to The Soft Robotic Fish, also known as SoFi, researchers may be able to keep a close eye on the sea creatures.

  Built by MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory ( CSAIL), the white re- mote-controlled robot resembles the real fish, complete with a tail that waves from side to side. Though not the first autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) created to monitor the ocean , SoFi set- tles many of the problems that have blocked the usefulness of the previous robot fish.

  Previous AUVs have had to be linked to boats because radio frequency communications don’t work well underwater. To overcome the problem, Director of die CSALL Daniela Rus and her team used sound waves. The technology can travel greater distances allowing divers to pilot SoFi from up to 50 feet away.

  Also limiting the usefulness of traditional AUVs is the risk of collision. With the outside made of soft silicone (硅树脂)rubber and flexible plastic that keeps its inbuilt electronics dry, SoFi po ses no such danger. " Collision avoidance often leads to unnecessary movement, since the robot has to settle for a collision-free path" , says Rus. "In contrast, a soft robot is not only more likely to survive a collision but also could use it as information to form a more workable movement plan next time around. "

  During test dives, SoFi moved alongside the ocean life at depths of 50 feet for up to 40 minutes at a time, taking photos and making videos. The researchers say sometimes the fish would swim a- longside the strange-looking robot-fish out of curiosity, while at other times they took no notice of its existence.

  While SoFi presently only records video, future versions will include sensors. The researchers also hope to make it more autonomous. "We imagine someday it might help us uncover more secrets from the amazing underwater world that we know so little about," says Rus.

  1.What does the water think of SoFi

  A. It makes ocean creature detection easier.

  B. It is the first AUV.

  C. It is closely controlled.

  D. It scares sea animals away.

  2.According to para 3, which of the following is ture

  A. Sound waves travel faster than radio

  B. Sound waves work better than radio underwater.

  C. Previous AUVs use sound Avaves to communicate.

  D. A boat travels along with SoFi on the water.

  3.How does SoFi deal with collision

  A. It can benefit farom its inbuilt electronics.

  B. It can avoid extra movement.

  C. It can smartly adjust its movement plan.

  D. It is set for a collision-free path.

  4.What will happen to SoFi in the future

  A. SoFi can record videos.

  B. SoFi will go invisible.

  C. SoFi will be free from external control.

  D. SoFi will be equipped with smart devices.


  "Post-truth"was chosen by Oxford Dictionaries as the Word of the Year 20xx. Indeed, digital misinformation is on the rise and it is hard for people to distinguish. 1.

  Before the dawn of the Internet, Canadians regularly turned to trusting their preferred news papers or radio stations for the latest news. 2. It’s now coming at you from so many different sources that you need to take responsibility for what you’re seeing.

  Experts recommend relying on a range of sources instead of just one, but looking into them first. 3. For example, the people connected, where they’re based, and their intention. A lack of information is certainly a warning.

  Next, learning to recognize misinfonnation is important. False news spreads mostly through social media. So if you’re looking at news on Facebook, you have to handle it in a wiser way.4. Is it from a well-informed relative or a friend who regularly expresses extreme views And whatever you do, only by clicking through can you see whether the information is accurate.

  5. It has no limits in achieving that goal, so it plays on feelings and uses improper lan guage. Therefore, if you feel excited to share something immediately, that’s the time you should stop and ask, "Is it accurate "If we all take that extra little pause, we’ll be able to stop this false thing from spreading.

  A. Sources that are reliable tell you about themselves.

  B. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to tell facts from fiction.

  C. Consider who’s sharing it if it’s not posted directly from the source.

  D. Today 42% of them use social media at least once a day to get their news.

  E. Someone sets up "Hot Global News" , hoping the ad dollars would pour in.

  F. False news is designed to seek attention in order to sell ads or make an idea public.

  G. Evaluating sources and getting reliable news is important in the age of misinformation.


  A Florids woman walked into a Publix supermarket last week. She asked a(n) ____question at the bakery counter, “Are there any first-birthday cakes scheduled for __ over the weekend

  Nick DeClemente, who works at the store, was initially __ by the request. He then asked if the woman had any __ person in mind. To his surprise, she didn’t.
