

烦恼 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  Overseas consumers also engaged in active discussions on Huawei’s new flagship devices on technology sites and social media platforms. On Twitter, many netizens said “nice”, “best phone ever” and “my favorite one” on Huawei’s Twitter account. Some netizens in countries like the UK, the Netherlands and Argentina asked when Huawei’s new devices would be released in their countries.

  1.How did customers react to Apple’s new product

  A.They thought it was cool to use it.

  B.They stood in long lines to purchase it.

  C.They thought its quality was worse than before.

  D.They were less interested in it than former years.

  2.In what aspect is Mate 30 better than iPhone 11 according to paragraph 2

  A.The price and the weight. B.The appearance and the speed.

  C.The quality and innovation. D.The service life and function.

  3.What does the underlined word “poll” in paragraph 3 probably mean

  A.Store. B.Vote.

  C.Account. D.Exam.

  4.What could be the best title for the text

  A.A New Era—5G B.Huawei Is Better than Apple

  C.Apple’s New iPhone 11 D.Huawei’s Mate 30 Defeats iPhone 11

  Garbage sorting has become a hot issue around China, especially after Shanghai began carrying out a regulation on July 1.

  Beijing, as a forerunner in environmental protection, has thus been expected to follow suit. The capital of the country has long been campaigning for sorting and recycling household waste, as part of its environmental drive for sustainable growth, local media reported.

  The current regulation gives garbage sorting responsibilities to government departments, property management groups and other organizations. It also gives rules for companies, outlining how they’re responsible for waste collection, transportation and treatment. Only individuals are not subject to responsibilities.

  The long-awaited revision will soon change the situation, “Taking out the trash without sorting it properly will be illegal,” said Sun Xinjun, director of the Beijing Commission of Urban Management. In Shanghai, violators are now fined up to 200 yuan ($30)for trash-sorting violations. The maximum fine in Beijing will not be less than that, he said.

  The Beijing city government first set out to promote garbage sorting in 20xx. Authorities have since called on citizens to sort their household waste into four types-recyclable waste, kitchen trash, dangerous waste and others-and leave it in a corresponding dustbin or trash can. Blue-colored dustbins signify items within are recyclable, green represents kitchen trash, red corresponds to dangerous materials and grey to other waste.

  To promote the awareness of garbage sorting and expand the base of participants, authorities have employed workers to help residents on the spot. With intelligent devices, those who throw in recyclable waste at given sites will be rewarded with bonus points, which can be used to buy daily goods. At some communities, there are no color-coded dustbins. Instead, a scheduled garbage collection service is offered to help improve the environment. In other communities, workers offer a door-to-door service to collect recyclables or kitchen waste.

  Beijing Environmental Sanitation Engineering Group has been promoting new garbage sorting facilities such as recycling cabinets and smart kitchen waste trash cans since 20xx, Xinhua News Agency reported. Nearly 26,000 metric tons of household waste is generated across Beijing on a daily basis and 29 terminal garbage disposal facilities are working at full capacity. Nearly 9.3 million tons of household waste was processed in the city last year.

  1.According to the passage, which dustbins should some used coke cans be thrown into

  A.Grey-colored dustbins. B.Red-colored dustbins.

  C.Green-colored dustbins. D.Blue-colored dustbins.

  2.We can learn from the passage that ________.

  A.new technology has been applied to help deal with garbage

  B.Beijing carried out a more severe rule on garbage sorting than Shanghai

  C.the change of the current regulation has aroused objection among citizens

  D.the amount of household waste in Beijing is far from something disturbing

  3.What is the best title for the text

  A.How to Sort Garbage in China B.The Current Regulation in Beijing

  C.Garbage Collection in Beijing D.Waste Recycling Project Counts

  4.The passage can be sorted as ________.

  A.a book review B.a travel brochure

  C.an environment report D.a geography essay


  You may have grown up living with lots of siblings, or this may be your first time sharing your living space with someone else. 1. Follow these tips to make sure you and your roommate keep things pleasant and supportive throughout the year (or even years)!

  Be clear about your expectations from the beginning. Do you know in advance that you hate it when someone hits the snooze button (贪睡闹铃) fifteen times every morning That you’re a neat freak (怪人) That you need ten minutes to yourself before talking to anyone after you wake up 2. It’s not fair to expect him or her to pick up on them right away, and communicating what you need is one of the best ways to avoid problems before they become problems.

  Address problems when they’re little. Is your roommate always forgetting her things for the shower, and taking yours 3. Addressing things that annoy you while they’re still little can help your roommate be aware of something she may not otherwise know. And addressing little things is much easier than addressing them after they’ve become big.

  4. This may seem simple, but it’s probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflict. Don’t think he’ll mind if you borrow his shoes for a quick soccer game For all you know, you just stepped over an uncrossable line. Don’t borrow, use, or take anything without getting permission first.

  Be mindful of who you bring into your room-and how often. 5. But your roommate may not. Be mindful of how often you bring people over. If your roommate studies best in the quiet, and you study best in a group, can you alternate who hits the library and who gets the room

  A. Be open to new ideas and experiences.

  B. Respect all the things that belong to your roommate.

  C. You may love having your study group into your room.

  D. Expect to learn, grow and change during the time in the college.

  E. Are your clothes being borrowed faster than you can wash them

  F. Let your roommate know as soon as you can about your little preferences.
