
安徒生童话全集 英文版(6)

童话 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  Then it seemed as if something fell down from the table . Ida looked that way . It was the Shrovetide birch rod which was jumping down ! It seemed almost as if it belonged to the flowers . At any rate it was very neat ; and a little wax doll, with just such a broad hat on its head as the councillor wore , sat upon it . The birch rod hopped about among the flowers on its three red legs, and stamped quite loud, for it was dancing the mazurka; and the other flowers could not manage that dance, because they were too light , and unable to stamp like that .

  The wax doll on the birch rod all at once became quite great and long, turned itself over the paper flowers, and said, “How can one put such things in a child's head? Those are stupid fancies!” and then the wax doll was exactly like the councillor with the broad hat, and looked just as yellow and cross as he. But the paper flowers hit him on his thin legs, and then he shrank up again, and became quite a little wax doll . That was very amusing to see; and little Ida could not restrain her laughter. The birch rod went on dancing, and the councillor was obliged to dance too; it was no use whether he might make him self great and long, or remained the little yellow wax doll with the big black hat . Then the other flowers put in a good word for him, especially those who had lain in the doll's bed, and then the birch rod gave over . At the same moment there was a loud knocking at the drawer, inside where Ida' s doll , Sophy , lay with many other toys . The chimney-sweep ran to the edge of the table, lay flat down on his stomach, and began to pull the drawer out a little. Then Sophy raised herself, and looked round quite astonished .

  “There must be a ball here,” said she; “why did nobody tell me?”

  “Will you dance with me?” asked the chimneysweep.

  “You are a nice sort of fellow to dance!” she replied, and turned her back upon him.
