

总结 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  unbelievable  birthplace  patience (patient) silly  indeed  adventure  tiny

  author  wander  bay  loneliness  fault  character  spot  unpaid  playwright

  rude  scream  genuine  scene  account  seek( sought-sought )

  短语: 1、make a bet on sth / that…  2、do with / deal with3、a large amount of

  4、go ahead  5、as a matter of fact  6、 by accident / chance  7、stare at

  8、give up  9、 account for10、to be honest11、care about

  12、show out13、take a chance14、be / dress in rags

  15、be disappointed in sb  16、be worth doing  17、work as …  18、in a rude

  manner  19、be jealous of …  20、even if / though  21、as for…  22、be filled with

  23、 get into trouble  24、permit (doing) sth  25、permit sb to do sth  26、mind sth / sb.27、be spotted by …  28、be about to do…  29、be/ get lost30、be patient with  31. bring up  32. on the contrary

  重点句子:(Notes to the text :Unit 3 page 80-page 83)

language point(语言点)

  1. go ahead

  (1) 进行;发生 新桥的建设将会按照计划进行。

  (2) 前进;继续做 尽管天气不好,他们仍按计划继续前进。

  (3) 取得进展,取得进步

  He is always going ahead. 他一直在进步。

  (4) (祈使句) 做吧,请吧

  — May I start now?我可以开始了吗?

  — Yes, go ahead.好,开始吧。

  2. stare at 注视,盯着看

  He stared at the word trying to remember what it meant. 我盯着那个词看,想要回忆起它的意思。

  It’s rude to stare at other people. 盯着别人看是不礼貌的。 When day broke, I found myself in a small village. 破晓,我发现我身处在一个村庄里。 I found myself lying on the bed. 我发现我躺在床上。

  He found himself surrounded by many students. 他发现他被许多学生围着。

  He found himself walking in the direction of the park. 他发现他正在往公园的方向前行。

  I found him difficult to get along well with. 我发现他很难相处。

  4. spot spotlessspotted

  (1) v. (用眼睛)挑出,察出,认出

  I spotted her in the crowd. 我从人群中认出了他。

  (2) v 使……染上斑点;点上污点

  The ink spotted her white shirt. 我把她的白色衬衫上弄上了污点。

  (3) n 斑点;污点;圆点

  She had spots on her face when she was ill. 她生病的时候,脸上出现了斑点。

  (4) n 地点;场所

  This is a nice spot for a house. 这是一个建房子的好地方。


  ① n  叫/要的菜

  May I take you order now您的菜点好了吗?
