

实用文 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  It is like a magnificent piece of treasure jade, set in central China on the loess plateau, the qinghai-tibet plateau and Inner Mongolia plateau, winding more than 1600 kilometers, 45.37 square kilometers, accounting for 4.72% of the nation's total.

  Gansu province, is taking ganzhou (now zhang ye), the 'state (now the jiuquan) 2 to 2. Because of the xixia had army division in gansu province, the yuan dynasty in gansu province, referred to as "gansu; And because most ShengJing (LiuPanShan) in gansu mountain, west of the tang dynasty once in this setting, longyou road, so it is also referred to as (3).

  Gansu is mostly in the 1000 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains. The north has LiuPanShan, Li Shan and dragon mountain; East to minshan, qinling and meridian hill; West meets the altun and qilian mountain; South green clay soil ridge. In relief, mountains, rivers, a series of flow, the terrain is quite complicated. There are straight open sky acres xuefeng, the endless vast grasslands, the vast gobi amount of vast and lonely, secondary forests, lush magical lakes beautiful spring, jiangnan charm of green natural scenery, also has the characteristic of the northwest famous flowers red fruit.

  Gansu province scenery in southeast of tianshui and longnan in gansu province, is a long history and splendid, a pleasant climate, rich products, folk peculiar natural cream place, a small jiangnan said.

  Xuan zang in tianshui legend, Buddha and jiao, Wan Zi mountain, golden temple and other places, to become the main attraction of folk tourism.

  And tianshui, longnan phase in gannan, linxia two states, is Tibetan, hui, dongxiang, bao an, Sarah and other ethnic minorities to gather, has a unique customs and customs, in labrang monastery, not only has the beautiful buildings, and 7 times a year can be larger and many festivals, labrang unprecedented rich religious folk activities. Of primitive simplicity and elegant in linxia mosque, Muslim people of their land, the religious folk custom activity, unique grand, spectacular.

  Gansu qingyang, out of eastern region, has a long history revolution is old. Besides numerous revolutionary sites, within the territory of the yellow emperor accession, widely into the science of uniting the famous Taoist holy land kongdong mountain, west king gave a banquet in the queen mother of king mu miyayama and male Liu Miao, bodhisattva mountain temple fair, have become the spread of the folk culture position and folk economic exchanges. Especially the suona, paper-cut, jan, opera and other folk culture especially attractive.

  The hexi corridor is the granary of the gansu province famous, is also the ancient battlefield of former TieMaJinGe and the ancient silk road traffic arteries. China's tourism logo (copper benma also called horse step swallows) was found in the (wuwei). Famous dunhuang mogao grottoes folk, against the south, yugur amorous feelings, SuBei Mongolian customs, thoroughly to the Tibetan customs, customs, day ray wonders, ancient legends of jiuquan and jiayuguan legend, yumenguan, sunlight, bay bridge, and the skin drum, folk feast yue, camels and other strange wind different common here yi yi is unripe brightness.

  Gansu province is a potential and difficulties are prominent, the advantages and disadvantages are obvious. After since the founding of the development and construction, has been formed to petrochemical industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, machinery and electronics industry system, become an important energy and raw materials industrial base in China. Basic conditions of agricultural production has been improved to a certain, realized the total basic balance of supply and demand in the province of grain, basic formed breeding, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, such as strategic leading industry, seed, medicinal herbs, beer raw materials such as regional advantage industry, as well as edible lily, bulbous flowers, day lily, Chinese prickly ash, olive and so on a number of local characteristic industries and products. Education, science and technology had great development, the existing 34 in common colleges and universities, subordinate to the central research institutions 22. Cultural undertakings progress, the ballet "the silk road rain flower", "dunhuang dream" xiamen is global, the magazine "readers" become the nation's largest circulation journal.

  In 2011, the provincial party committee, the provincial government to the scientific outlook on development as guidance, in-depth implementation of the western development strategy, the implementation of the general office of the state council on further support economic and social development in gansu province several opinions, accelerate economic restructuring and change of the pattern of economic development, energetically develop various social undertakings, efforts to ensure and improve people's livelihood, economic and social development is growing rapidly, price stabilization, efficiency improved, people's livelihood by good momentum. The entire province 502 billion yuan of GDP growth of 12.5%; Complete of investment in fixed assets 420 billion yuan, up by 40%; Large diameter fiscal revenue was 93.36 billion yuan, up 25.3%; Local fiscal revenue was 45.04 billion yuan, up by 27.4%; Urban per capita disposable income reached 14988.7 yuan, up by 13.6%; Farmers per capita net income of $3909.4, an increase of 14.2%.

  At present, gansu is in weight-bearing climbing period. Along with the in-depth implementation of the strategy for the development of the western region and the central support four provinces Tibetan leapfrog development and lasting stability of strengthening policies and measures, especially for gansu tailored general office of the state council on further support several opinions of the economic and social development in gansu province, the overall planning of circular economy in gansu province "and other policy opportunities, make the gansu province is facing a rare periods and golden development policy overlay, marched into the struggling to catch up, the transformation across the stage of history. In 2012, according to the spirit of the central economic work conference, provincial party committee proposed seek improvement in stability, fast good tone, continue to adhere to the development, scratching project, the reform innova, harmony, scratching the livelihood of the people, to ensure the party building and strengthening infrastructure construction, special advantage industries, human resources development of overall work "four draws three support" ideas and "center drive, wingers, group development, comprehensively" regional development strategy, closely around the scientific development, transition span, national unity, enriching xing long goal, pay more attention to the development and opening up, pay more attention to the transformation, pay more attention to innova, entrepreneurship, pay more attention to the national people's livelihood, pay more attention to the safety and stability, to steady growth, control prices, adjust structure, livelihood, grasp the reform, promote the harmony of each work, to promote the economic transformation spanning development, social stability and harmonious development, the national common prosperity development.  On January 3, 2015 in gansu province forestry department, said the two have the distribution of the giant panda in gansu provincial nature reserve, through expert review later promoted to national reserve, which will be beneficial to the wild giant panda habitat shall protect.









