

试题 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  1 How many people ______ at the meeting ?

  A were presenceB presents C were present D present

  2 I’ll be back _______

  A at presentB for the presentC presently D for a moment

  2 An earthquake sometimes causes great ____A damagesB damageC damaging

  3 He presented his father with a pipe _____ a birthday present . A as B for C to

  4 He wrote that he would be home _____ Christmas .A for B toC on

  5 _____ Christmas I gave my son a set of novels . A For B To C OnD At

  6 That ___ be Janet coming upstairs now. A shouldB oughtC willD can

  7 Sir, you ___ be sitting in this waiting room . It is for women and children only .

  A oughtn’t to B can’t C won’t D needn’t

  8 There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party ,you ___ come ,but why didn’t you ?

  A must have B should C need have D ought to have

  9 That news is not yet widely known is _____ A fortuneB fortunate C fortunately

  10 It was fortunate ____ her that she met the doctor just when she needed him ,A onB at C for D in

  11 It was a ____ day when we opened that store.A fortuneB fortunateC fortunately

  12 People ___ breathe when they are under waterA can’tB mustn’tC shouldn’t D needn’t

  13 –I didn’t pass the math test .I think I have spent too much time

  playing computer games recently .

  -- I agree. You ___ play like that any more.

  A needn’tB mustn’t C may not D wouldn’t

  14 Lots of people in our city _____ the old and they usually offer their seats to the old

  on buses .

  A agree withB worry aboutC laugh at D care for

  15 –Must I give the dictionary back to the library now?--No, you_____. You can ____ it for another two weeks .A needn’t, borrowB needn’t , keepC mustn’t ; lendD mustn’t ; keep

  16 –May I swim in the lake ,Dad? --- No, you____ Look! Here is a

  notice “No Swimming!”

  A may not B mightn’tC mustn’t D needn’t

  17 My parents and I like to _____ outside after dinner. It is really relaxing .

  A dress up B hang outC run off

  18 We ___ fight against pollution .

  A mayB shouldC mustn’tD needn’t

  19 –Must I finish the work today? –No,you____ You ___ finish it tomorrow.

  A nustn’t ,must B needn’t ; may C can’t , may
