

试题 时间:2021-08-31 手机版



  1. This is RDZ, the working robot. RDZ lives with the Spacy family in Spaceville(太空村). He helps the family with the housework every day. He cleans the house, washes the clothes and dishes. He knows how to cook well. RDZ doesn't eat normal(普通的) food. He eats tins and watches and he drinks oil. Do Mr. and Mrs. Spacy eat these things? Never.

  RDZ often helps Mr and Mrs Spacy's children with their homework. This year he is teaching them Space language. The children are very clever.

  The Spacy family are holiday on Mars(火星). They will come back home in two days. So RDZ has a wonderful time. He won't clean. He can sit in front of the TV and eat a lot of food.

  (1) Where does RDZ live with the Spacy family? ________________________________

  (2) What does RDZ eat and drink every day? ____________________________________

  (3) Is RDZ teaching Mr. and Mrs. Spacy's children English? _________________________

  (4) Does RDZ have a wonderful time? __________________________________________

  (5) When will Mr. and Mrs. Spacy be back? _______________________________________

  2. My name is Wang Lin. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my little brother and I. my father is a teacher. He likes drawing pictures. He works in a school. He goes to work by bus. My mother is a nurse. She likes listening to music. She works in a hospital. She goes to work by bus. My brother is a student. Hw likes watching TV. He goes to work on foot. I like playing football. I go to school by bike.

  (1) Who works in a school? _________________________________________________

  (2) What does Wang Lin's mother do? ________________________________________

  (3) What does Wang Lin like doing? _________________________________________

  (4) Is Wang Lin's brother a student? ___________________________________________

  (5) Does Wang Lin's father go to work by bus? _________________________________

  3. It's Monday today. It's twelve o'clock now. Jenny and her classmates are having lunch in the classroom. What's on Jenny's desk? There are some apples, bread and some eggs. Oh, they are very delicious.

  (1) What day is it today? _______________________________________________

  (2) What's the time? ___________________________________________________

  (3) Who is having lunch? ________________________________________________

  (4) What's on Jenny's desk? _____________________________________________

  (5) Are there any bananas on Jenny's desk? __________________________________



  The Green (1) (喜欢) going out for a trip on Sunday. This (2) (周日)they want to go to the park. Jack and Mike, their (3) (儿子)get up very early. They put on the same (4) (牛仔裤), the same (5) (鞋). After that they (6) their mother do the housework. They put some bread, meat , (7) (蛋)and some fruit in a basket and (8) (搬) it to the car. Mrs. Green takes four (9) (罐)of coke with her. The little dog is (10) (跑) after her.



  1. One day, Mr. Ampere went out (1) a walk in the street. There (2) a lot of people there. But all this was (3) to him. He was thinking (4) a maths problem. He had no paper with him. How could he (5) it out?

  Just then hw saw a blackboard in front of him. He began to write the (6) with a piece of chalk on it. Then the blackboard moved (7) . he moved with it. But it moved so (8) that he could not catch up with it. He looked (9) and saw the “blackboard” (10) him.

  Why? It was the back of a carriage(马车)!

  ( ) (1) A. to B. by C. for D. with

  ( ) (2) A. were B. are C. is D. was

  ( ) (3) A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

  ( ) (4) A. on B. off C. about D. hard

  ( ) (5) A. work B. start C, take D. bring

  ( ) (6) A. word B. start C, take D. bring

  ( ) (7) A. few B. little C. a few D. a little

  ( ) (8) A. early B. fast C. slowly D. quietly

  ( ) (9) A. down B. up C. in D. out

  ( ) (10) A. behind B. beside C. above D. before

  2. Bob thought that he was very clever. He thought that no one could fool(欺骗)him because he (1) too clever. One day he (2) to Dick, the man on watching at the gate:“You (3) fool me. Dick. You (4) too foolish!”

  “ (5) here by this gate.” Answered Dick, “I (6) a way to fool you.” then he went home.

  Two hours later another young man (7) along.

  “Why are you standing here?” he (8) bob.

  “ I (9) for Dick, ” answered Bob, “ he is going to try fool me.”

  “Dick (10) home. ” said the young man, “ He has already fooled you!”

  ( ) (1) A. is B. was C. will be D. is going to

  ( ) (2) A. said B. says C. was saying D. is saying

  ( ) (3) A. don't B. didn't C. can never D. never

  ( ) (4) A. were B. are C. will be D. was

  ( ) (5) A. Wait B. Waits C. Waited D. Wait for

  ( ) (6) A. will find B. found C. find D. founded

  ( ) (7) A. comes B. came C. had come D. coming

  ( ) (8) A. asked B. asks C. is asking D. told

  ( ) (9) A. was waiting B. waited C. am waiting D. were waiting

  ( ) (10) A. goes B. has gone C. had gone D. went









