

经典美文 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  It is prized for being vibrant and long-lasting, and was an important cash crop until humans started making synthetic indigo in the early 1900s.


  Indigo crystals cling easily to the cotton fibres used in jeans and are resistant to laundry detergents, yet flake off slightly with wear-and-tear to yield the sought-after worn-in look.


  Some four billion denim garments are produced every year, the vast majority indigo-tinted, said the study authors, and warned of "a serious sustainability problem".


  The first danger: producing indigo dye requires the use of toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.

  第一个危险: 生产靛蓝染料需要使用甲醛和氰化氢等有毒的化学物质。

  Furthermore, synthesised indigo is insoluble in water, meaning chemicals are needed to make it suitable for dyeing.


  Not currently feasible


  One such chemical is sodium dithionite, which decomposes into sulfate and sulfite which can corrode equipment and pipes in dye mills and wastewater treatment plants.

  这样的一种化学物质是连二亚硫酸钠, 可以分解成硫酸盐和亚硫酸盐,会腐蚀染料厂和污水处理厂的设备和管道。

  "Many dye mills avoid the additional cost of wastewater treatment by dumping the spent dye materials into rivers, where they have negative ecological impacts," said the research team.
