

会议方案 时间:2021-08-31 手机版






  The theme of the party

  The youth of the youth · highlight the individuality - cum 2014 New Year's day party at reservoir school

  Ii. Activity objects:

  All teachers and students of shui tong middle school

  Iii. Activity time and venue:

  The basketball court temporarily set up the stage at 19:00 on November 28, xx

  4. Activity leading group

  Group captain: muxin yong

  Group member: crisp acquisitive, LiuGuoRong, Yang Xianzhi guo-fei wang, soup, Zheng Yichun, Bai Jianfeng, Ma Yanhua, Hu Yunkui, xing-rong li, li, Luo Rongxing, zhong-hai li, knife RongBing YanFei, Luo Kaijian, generation, all the teachers and classes, director of the classes.

  5. Distribution of programme sources:

  1. Each class prepares to participate in at least one program, which is centered on the theme of "the young Chinese dream", accompanied by music disc.

  2, each class to submit the program form, can be a variety of forms such as singing, dancing, crosstalk, sketch, content must be healthy, positive, contemporary, can reflect the national characteristics of young students and ethnic areas.

  3. Before November 25th, liu guorong will organize the judges to screen the students' programs and select 19 high-quality programs for the New Year's party exhibition.

  4. One, two and three prizes were set up for the literary and artistic parties, including one first prize and 200 yuan for the prize. The second prize is 3, the bonus is 100 yuan, the third prize is 4, bonus 50 yuan, total 700 yuan.

  Sixth, the party program request

  1. The content civilization is healthy and positive, and in the form of art, it carries forward the national fine culture and the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and sings the theme of The Times to show the new trend of the campus; To be close to students' life, reflecting the good spirit of our teachers and students.

  2. The characteristics of The Times and the characteristics of the school.

  3. The form strives to be flexible, diverse, original, colorful and original.

  4. Form recommendation:

  Singing and dancing (chorus, chorus, recital, recital, singing, singing, singing, dance, solo, folk dance, modern dance, martial arts, etc.);

  Musical Instruments (piano, guzheng, guitar, violin, etc.)

  Language (recitation, sketch, cross talk, allegro, campus drama, melodrama, etc.);

  6. The length of a single program is controlled within 6 minutes.

  Vii. Specific division of labor

  The first project group: the program

  Group leader: liu guorong

  Team member: Yang xianzhi hu kwai ma yanhua


  1. The head teacher shall be responsible for the arrangement of the program, supervise the rehearsal and check the coordination work.

  2. Liu guorong is responsible for the collection, screening and post-rehearsal of the program

  A; Responsible for the program layout and the whole process of the party, the production of the program.

  Team 2: stage and background design group

  Group leader: zheng yichun

  Team member: li zhonghaidai rongbing dao yanfei


  1. The overall stage design, including background design and stage decoration design scheme.

  2. Prepare the required items for stage and background.

  Third project group: lighting sound and power protection group

  Group leader: li xingrong

  Team member: li junluo

  Task: be responsible for connecting and checking the party circuit, assisting the installation and commissioning of stage lighting equipment and speaker equipment during the party.

  Fourth project: logistics support group

  Group leader: dao yanfei

  Team members: Yang xueong, dao zhenrong, east China and logistics personnel


  1. Live photography and video.

  2. Assist in preparing the costumes and props needed for some parties.

  3. Purchase items for the party.

  4. Collection and reimbursement of various expenses incurred by the party.

  Team 5: safety and site section

  Group leader: zhu xueyun

  Team member: wang guofei, bai jianfeng, school guards and members of the student union

  Task: 1. Party site division.

  2. Party discipline will be maintained during the party.

  3. Security and emergency handling of the venue.

  Team 6: program host group

  Group leader: tang hong

  Member: member of the student union publicity team

  Task: 1. Selection and training of the host.

  2. Series and interactive game design.

  3. Image design of the host.

  Group 7: stage operation group

  Group leader: dai changqi

  Team member: members of the student union

  Task: 1. Coordinate the appearance of the program to ensure the continuity of the program.

  2. Responsible for the upper and lower level of the stage and props of the actors, and maintain order in the upper and lower order.

  3. Responsible for receiving music accompaniment to all programmes, and marking the name of the programme and the position of the programme on the disc or the recording of a set plate to assist the audio team.

  4. Responsible for emergency treatment.

  Viii. Tasks and work assignments at all stages

  1. Planning and preparation for the party (10 October -- 10 November) :


  A, program collection: the director of each class will carry out the program in this class and report to liu guorong before November 10.

  B. The host group selected the host and conducted corresponding training and preparation

  2. Coordination and progress of the party (10 November -- 19 November) :


  Take time to rehearse A, each grade, the teacher in charge timely check, members of the school youth corps cell organization you're party before the official start of the day of rehearsal in program, to determine the final order in program and basic assurance program performance.  B, stage and background design team take out the design plan, make a good background, and prepare the corresponding items.

  C, lighting acoustics and publicity group to implement sound system, electricity supply inspection.

  D, the program host team completes the draft and interactive game design.

  3. The countdown to the party (20 November -- 27 November)


  A, the school holds A New Year's day party preparatory meeting, coordination, implementation of related work.

  B. The program will organize the final rehearsal of the program before Nov. 27, and finally determine the sequence of the show and make the program.

  C, lighting acoustics and publicity group to complete the sound system, lighting installation and debugging.

  D. The logistics support group shall complete the setup and layout of the stage.

  E, safety and site teams shall be responsible for the division of teachers and students' venues and corresponding safety and security work.

  F, the school general affairs office invites guests.


  1. The holding of the New Year's New Year's festival is an important part of education teaching and moral education. It is an important way to enrich the cultural life of teachers and students and promote the party's policy. At the same time, it is also a great opportunity to show and publicize our school to leaders at all levels. Upon receipt of the notice, each grade class must attach great importance to, elaborate organization, grasping the rehearsal, the playing program into high-quality goods the rehearsal, dedicated to all the teachers and students, to jointly create a harmonious and civilized, vibrant campus make its own contribution.

  2. We hope that each group can cooperate and cooperate with each other to complete the activity successfully.

  3. In order to encourage the teachers of all classes to actively cooperate and participate in the event, the New Year's day party will be successful, and the class teacher or the class teacher will be awarded bonus points. (bonus points)

  4. All props, costumes, cosmetics and so on shall be prepared for each program; The school is responsible for stage setting, lighting and sound equipment.

  10. Matters not covered, further notice.









